six week
No pills, products or pyramid schemes...EVER!
What you get:
A total of 12 class sessions.You choose which two classes from our list.
(two classes a week for 6 weeks).
online membership providing feedback, support and lean eating suggestions. Completely interactive and personalized graphs and videos individualized for you! Weight and measurements done weekly to hold you accountable and show you your progress. We keep you motivated and focused on your desired outcome and goals. Six weeks worth of exercise videos are also provided.
**** Not a class person? Two classes/wk can be converted into one on one sessions for an additional fee.*
What you need:
The desire to change and the willingness to make the commitment 100%! You will also need to be ready to make changes to the way you eat and think about food.
A six week training program that combines all of the necessary aspects of your overall well being in order to achieve your desired results. The first step to really making a holistic commitment to fitness. Your choice of two fitness classes a week(30min. each) for 6 weeks. Personal Online Page where you will submit food logs to keep you accountable. It will also contain food lists for the lean healthy eating program and your own personal stats throughout the program as well as 6 weeks worth of exercise videos.